Coming up with ideas

Jose Hernandez
2 min readMay 20, 2020

Are you running out of ideas? well I did.

In cases like these when you are think of something to do or achieve but it feels like a bad idea or it’s not making since and can’t come up with anything, Then it’s best to write your thoughts down.

Let’s say you want to earn 100 dollars, how would you go about making them? You’ll come up saving or working a bit more. Maybe you’ll say investing in the stock market. (which is a good thing to do right now)

Maybe your trying to make content for a blog or your Youtube video. Then get a piece of paper and pen/pencil. Now sit down in a quiet place with now distractions. Now ask a question. What is it that I want from this? Is it money, is it fame? Is it enjoyment? What is the main purpose of what you want to achieve? Do I want to help people? Do I want to earn extra money?Now write down what ever comes to you mind. EVERYTHING! and I mean Everything, even blimps of thought or sentence. Every piece of information you write down will reveal something about you an idea, or of what you what to do.

It is important to mot judge or judge if you can’t handle it but write it down anyways.

Look at what you have written, what does it say? Can you find out any ideas? If not yet, then ask another question?

The questions can be about anything but it’s best if it start with why do I want to get this or what do I want to create/ what is it’s purpose.

The more questions you ask and the more you write about, the more ideas and revelations will come up.

The next step is to start making these idea happen. So, stay tuned for more and Thank You for reading!

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Jose Hernandez

Creator of, writer, blogger, and most importantly, anime watcher/reviewer cus why not?